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(Nov. 2004)


The general destinations of this project are the accumulation and the circulation of 3D dance motion data on the Web for dance art. We plan to construct 3D dance animation database on the Web. The database allows us to exchange and share the data and to collaborate together through the Internet.


We gathered the ballet 3D motion data using motion capture systems. We captured from the real performance of professional female dancers. One of them is Ms. Yurie Shinohara, who is a permanent guest principal of Scottish Ballet. The detail of our capturing is Here.

The raw data must be modified and transformed into a standard format. We transformed the data into VRML format. We prepared original hierarchical skeleton system which complies basically with VRML H-Anim standard. H-anim has three level of architecture, but we reconstructed into 16 joints and 20 segments. We parallelized the raw data to our skeleton.

System (Web3D Dance Composer)

"Web3D Dance Composer version 4.0" offers e-learning for ballet and Laban motif. The system consists of an online archive and user-editable simulation system for ballet steps and step sequences, or 'enchaû‹ement.' An archive of motion captured 3D ballet movements can be browsed, previewed in the 3D viewer, and selected to compose extended sequences. In addition, the automatic composition system allows ballet steps from the motion data archive to be combined spontaneously according to an algorithm which describes characteristic features of enchaû‹ement.

The demonstration video clip which is 38 Mega-byte MPEG file could be downloaded from here. This video lasts about 3 minutes.

One of our prototypes of the system is published on this website as the Java applet, that is "Web3D Dance Composer ver. 3.1." Please try to use it and suggest us about the user-interface. The Java applet and its instructions could be accessed from HERE. (2004-07-05)

The version 4.0 will be release in December, 2004.

Future Plans

This system has a lot of exciting possibilities for dance. It could be facilitated:

  1. to preserve dance movements,
  2. to share and exchange dance movements,
  3. to present and showcase movement composition,
  4. to allow users to collaborate together through the medium of the Internet,
  5. to create sequences of dance movement,
  6. to simulate a dance stage with the 3D motion, and
  7. to aid dance educators and students as a possible educational tool.

The project continues to be developed to become a more effective educational tool with aims to (1) aid teachers in lesson preparation, (2) inspire teachers and suggesting new possibilities for lesson content, and (3) be an e-learning tool for students.

Publications (Research Papers)

Japanese page is Here.

Copyright 2002-2004 Asako SOGA, Bin UMINO